Community Groups
Clarksville Pride Support Group is a place where LGBTQIA+ individuals can come together to share their stories, connect with others, and find resources to help them navigate daily life. We believe that by sharing our experiences and uplifting one another, we can make a difference and make our city truly proud. Join us on this journey and let's celebrate our diversity together!
A peer lead group of parents who have come together to create a supporting environment for their kids to meet each other and make long lasting friendships.
C-Pride Community
Our start as a small community has blossomed into thriving Facebook community with support group meetings, game nights, and sharing.
Silver group
A peer lead group of LGBTQIA+ individuals, ages +55 and up, who meet to connect and share their stories.

Clarksville is home to many LGBTQIA+ individuals who want to be connected to their community. With people coming in and out of Clarksville, through college and the military, we saw a fractured environment for the LGBTQIA+ community to thrive in. Without a center of support, community, and resources, we grew more and more unaware of each other, and the progress Clarksville has made through the years.
The many LGBTQIA+ owned businesses, community members, and representatives fighting to continue this progress were unnoticed and it has created fear within the community. This support group is for members of Clarksville who want to connect and support their local LGBTQIA+ members in making a long-lasting community in Clarksville that truly caters to its members and fights for change on their behalf.
Here we hope to offer emotional support, resources to help educate and enrich lives,
and a community that it well rounded and welcoming to all.